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What does Urbanauts actually mean and what is a Grätzl?

What does Urbanauts mean?

Urbanauts is a portmanteau of urban and nautical. From the Latin urbanus 'belonging to the city, urban', to urbs 'city' and nautics, i.e. the art of navigation from shipping. Our navigators literally navigate through the city, because URBANAUTS stands for a new way of traveling, traveling off the beaten track.

We focus on the special, personal experience, the moment when visitors discover the city for themselves, without any tips from reception, but embedded in the heart of the urban space - that's what URBANAUTS is all about.

And what is a Grätzl?

The Grätzl, or Kretzl, Gretzl, Grätzel or Gretzel, refers to a part of a Viennese residential district and usually comprises a few blocks of houses, but has no technical boundaries. This means that a district can also have several Grätzln and is defined more by a certain attitude to life than a mere geographical boundary, so it can be compared quite well with the Berlin Kiez. In Vienna, this mainly has to do with the village character of the former suburban communities that now lie within the Gürtel, such as Meidlinger Markt, Spittelberg or the Karmeliterviertel.

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